Time with God

God will meet with you today. Right where you are and exactly when you need Him.

He has the answers you need.

The peace you crave.

The direction you’ve been longing for.

Just like manna awaiting the Israelites in the desert every morning, God has something for you each day.

Slow down. Listen.

He may offer you something new to draw you closer into His presence – you’ll need more of Him to move forward, more of Him to understand.

A new song for your heart to sing.

A new artistic composition to create.

A new word to ponder and study.

A new and exciting challenge.

God has more for you in a single moment than the world can offer you in years.

When you turn away from the world and all its flashy, noisy distractions and you offer the sacrifice of your time to the Lord, He will bless you for it.

He will give you more of Him.

And when you receive more of Him, you’ll begin to KNOW Him and worship Him from the innermost sanctuary of your heart, inviting Him closer.

When you pull down the curtain, the veil of your busyness that keeps you from experiencing more of God, you’ll find yourself in His presence and in awe that your holy God, the God of all creation, should visit you.

And yet, He does.

Every time you call on Him.

Every time you seek His face.

Every time you still yourself and wait for His still, small voice to speak to your heart.

You see, God wants to meet with you today. He has fresh manna for you – all that you need.

And He longs to draw you deeper into His presence. Always deeper. ♥️

“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

(Psalm 46:10 NIV.)

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