The Presence of God

Sometimes God will pull you in so close that you don’t want to leave His side when He sends you back.

Back to work.

Back to folding laundry.

Back to paying bills.

But you have to go. You have to step back into your life and pick up where you left off.

Well, not exactly.

After spending time with your heavenly Father, you’ll be changed. Things won’t be the same because you’re not the same.

You may even feel lost, wondering where to go from here.

Do you go in a different direction?

Do you stand still or start over?

God will let you know. There is such freedom when you keep listening for His direction after you’ve been in His presence.

Freedom from people pleasing.

Freedom from trying to figure everything out.

Freedom from believing it’s up to you to fix things.

After you’ve been saturated in God’s holy presence, your heart will be changed. Humbled. Deeply grateful. Obedient.

You will KNOW Him and want more of Him. The One you truly need.

The One who would do anything for you.

The One who never leaves you or lies to you.

The One you can always count on.

And then, just when you feel like you’re letting go of the hem of His robe to return to your everyday life, you sense His hand in yours and realize that even though He is sending you back…

He goes with you.

You are His hands and feet to a hurting world.

You are His light shining during someone’s dark season.

You are His love, wrapping around those who feel alone and unloved.

You’re going back into the world, carrying the presence of Almighty God with you.

And the world will be changed by His presence too.❤️

“Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.”

(Psalm 73:23 NIV.)

9 thoughts on “The Presence of God

  1. All scheduled Joey, it’s interesting a couple nights ago the Spirit spoke the name Joey. I had forgotten about you until I saw this post and knew it was meant to be reblogged. So thank you so much for sharing your heart cause it’s exactly how I feel. God Bless you…Robin

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